Monday, April 25, 2011

DLS exercise: I am....

I actually don' t like activities like these...where I am asked to define myself in ten words or less. The perfectionist in me comes out and I strive to find just the right way and the appropriate words to capture all of who I am and hope to be. What if I miss something, what if I sound like a flake? Just so much pressure to get is all down in one eloquent yet tidy little package. So I'm trying to let go of that perfectionism tendancy with this post and let it all hang out in an imperfect and sloppy yet authentic kind of way.

I am:

on a bumpy, stop-start kind of daily spiritual journey

blessed and amazed by my husband on a daily basis

entertained and inspired by my kids every single day

curious about life and what makes people thrive

focused and playful

a teacher and a mentor in nearly every facet of my life

pretty naive

really try to stay focused on the positive

growing and learning (even when I don't want to)

happiest when just hanging out with my pack (which includes two large, lazy dogs)

really hate letting people down

feeling like there are some new and exciting opportunities just around the corner!

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